
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

TWD - Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler

I'm just going to come right out with it... I wasn't a fan. I'd take my Mixed Berry Cobbler back any day. I'm not sure if I'm just not a fan of cooked cherries, or the apple (oh, yeah, I subbed apple for rhubarb) and cherry combo wasn't doing it for me, or I obviously used too large a vessel for the amount of fruit, or what. I just wasn't diggin' it. So here is one picture of my ridiculous looking (can't wait to see the other cobblers and how bad I messed mine up!) mini Cherry Apple Cobbler.

Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler
From Baking: From My Home to Yours, by Dorie Greenspan
Chosen by Amanda from Like Sprinkles on a Cupcake.
Check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers here.


  1. Sorry that it wasn't one you liked, but apples and cherries sound like a great combo!

  2. I think your cobber looks delicious. Hopefully next weeks recipe will be one that you enjoy more :)

  3. So far I haven't seen anyone actually use rhubarb for this!

  4. well, it sounds great in theory, anyway - and looks great, too!

  5. You tried and now you know. I loved the mixed berry cobbler from few weeks ago, too. This was okay, but that was DELICIOUS!

  6. Hey, you attempted the recipe - right there you get kudos from me :)

    Have a delicious day!

  7. Sorry to hear you did not like it. :( It looks like it turned out great for you and I look forward to your post next week.

  8. I'm also sorry it didn't work out better for you, but I certainly appreciate your honest assessment.

  9. Sorry to hear it wasn't the best. I actually liked this version better than the Mixed Berry Cobbler. Tastes differ, for sure!

  10. I'm sorry you didn't like it! It looks delicious, though? And your smoked salmon spread has my mouth watering!


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