
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

TWD - Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream

I sorta feel like I am cheating a bit here. I made this over a month ago and just never posted about it. I have all intentions of either making it again tonight or making cherry sour cream ice cream tonight... so hopefully you'll see the latter (if I make it) tomorrow. I really liked this ice cream, despite my probably going overboard with the sour cream. It was very pronounced for me. I will definitely be measuring more carefully in the future!

Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream
From Baking: From My Home to Yours, by Dorie Greenspan
Chosen by Dolores of Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity.
Check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers here.


  1. Oh my gosh that looks amazing! The color is outstanding and it look sosooo creamy!

  2. Cheating schmeating... I only call it fabulous! The color of this ice cream is what really strikes me and although I've read some mixed reviews on the flavor from other TWD, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do have to say that the cherry sour cream flavor you thought of making sounds wonderful too! :)

  3. Well whenever it was made I bet it was tasty! And the cherry version sounds like it would be great.

  4. Whenever you made it, it still counts. And, it looks gorgeous, too! That color is so dreamy. Wish I could find and eyeshadow to match! ;)

  5. It seems like a lot of people had sour cream issues, good to keep in mind for those of us who didn't make it.

  6. No cheating allowed. haha. Just teasing. You made it early. Nothing wrong with that! Better than my slacker butt. Love that glass dish. Great job!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  7. I loved the sour cream taste so yours probably would taste really good to me!! Looks great.

  8. Nah not cheating just being prepared! Good for you! Your ice cream looks delicious!

  9. coincidentally, it looks fabulous against the color of your blog's background!

  10. Oooh. CHERRY sour cream ice cream. Yum!

  11. Cherry sour cream? That's another flavor I can get behind. Sounds delicious.

  12. That looks really nice! I love the color!

  13. Now, CHERRY sour cream ... why didn't Dorie think of that?

  14. Who's cheating? Not you! I love your photos; so cold and frosty looking! I'm glad you liked it.
    The Dogs Eat the Crumbs

  15. Another inspiring flavor change. I'd love to try this with cherries.

  16. Beautiful pictures. Cherry hmmm. yummy!


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